About us
Vitomalia is your online dog school and store for dog people who value safety, contemporary design and functionality. As in-house productions, our articles use only specially manufactured materials and packaging. We do not use white label products in order to stand out from the competition through higher quality and functionality. Our products are constantly being improved through testing and customer feedback.
As the first online dog school in the German-speaking world, we offer you and your dog cooperative, professional training and education suitable for everyday use. Our approach is based on affection, continuity and consistency to form a strong team of you and your dog. Through positive reinforcement, cooperation and clear boundaries, we accompany you every step of the way.

Im Anschluss an unser Studium (Sport und Psychologie) hat uns die Begeisterung für Hunde zu einer neuen Berufung geführt: der Hundeverhaltenstherapie in Kombination mit der Hundewissenschaft. Dies ist die Basis für unser umfangreiches kynologisches Fachwissen. Mithilfe unserer praxtischen und theoretischen Expertise möchten wir dir ein kompetentes und alltagstaugliches online Hundetraining bieten. Dabei wird dir jeder Schritt logisch nachvollziehbar in den Videos erklärt und im Kursmaterial mit inhaltlichen Fachwissen und zusätzlichen Trainingsmaterial erläutert. Du erhältst in unserer Online Hundeschule nicht nur Informationen über das "Wie", sondern darüber hinaus über das "Warum". Unsere Community profitiert von unseren hilfreichen Informationen und den praktischen Trainingstipps. In unserem Online Store nutzen wir unseren Alltag mit unseren Hunden, um qualitativ hochwertige Produkte mit hoher Funktionalität zu vereinen. Dein Feedback hilft uns dabei, täglich besser zu werden und die Produkte stets zu verbessern.

Happiness Manager
Vito is responsible at Vitomalia for ensuring that everyone has enough to relax and something to smile about. He is the calm and even-tempered type that everyone likes.
More about Vito
Vito is an American Staffordshire Terrier mix. Vito was born on 28.02.2015 in Taunus. As he has no official pedigree, Vito is considered a mix, i.e. not a purebred. However, this does not change the fact that Vito is classified as a list dog. But shhh! He himself doesn't know anything about it yet... And so Vito dawdles through life with his carefree nature and good faith and is happy about everything and everyone. Wherever Vito shows up, he puts a smile on people's faces. He is certainly not the most motivated employee, but he is indispensable.

Quality inspector
Everything she can stand is suitable for our online store. Amalia tests our products extensively and has a lot of fun doing so.
More about Amalia
Amalia was actually once called Kaya and was born on 28.01.2016 in Italy. We got to know her on a trip to Italy when she was still a puppy. She is a purebred American Pitbull Terrier with a pedigree. But an official breeding is not always a seal of quality for good breeding selection. Amalia caused great difficulties in her first family due to strong aggression towards other dogs and so she came to us as a young dog. She is a working dog through and through. Amalia is always motivated, would never let her responsibilities slip and you can always rely on her. She never gives up?